Monday, August 4, 2008

gliding gracefully

I've been 'wowed' by a delightful blog authored by the ever-talented, Elsa Mora. A woman wearing many hats, including mother and artist, she's paved her path and now creates magical pieces in the form of paint, paper and porcelain. I'm in awe of her ability to traverse this terrain of multimedia. Delicate, skeletal, layers of texture, meticulous craft, each piece seems to narrate a tiny tale of its own. Elsita's sketches seem to stem from a rich history, loaded with metaphor and symbol. Human nature intertwined. Her scope is vast with no detail overlooked, her many hats gliding gracefully from role to role.

found via tsk tsk, thank you for the kind mention and lovely company.


Julia said...

Oooh! I really like your taste. In about everything! So, I'm off to go explore this yummy new blog :)

secretleaves said...

What wonderful things. I love the drawing in the book, at the top. Makes me wonder why, at some point, I stopped drawing...


pve design said...

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! these are incredible!
she is amazing!