Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Two articles to share of profoundly impressive women. One, a girl actually and victim, who is finding her voice amidst a culture of oppressive silence. Against the odds to say the least, Assiya Rafiq is confronting the prevalent violence toward women in Pakistan via horrific personal experience. She is lifting the veil so to speak and exhaustively exposing injustice.

A more passive injustice plays out daily in third world living where children lose their mothers at an astonishing rate. Thus continues the gross lack of value placed on womens' well-being. Christy Turlington, former model and designer, is tackling grad school and using her brains and beauty to promote awareness of maternal mortality through documentary film. The stats are staggering as I have posted before. Simple procedures and simple efforts can support desperately needed change.

If you have a moment, please hear these two.

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